Apologia Science home school curriculum provides materials that help students defend their faith.
What does, "Apologia" mean?
It appears eight times in the New Testament, in the context of people defending their faith or actions by reason and logic.
"But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account (give a defense) for the hope that is in you..." 1 Peter 3:15
Apologia Ministries exists to give the home-schooled student a scientific education that will help him or her make a reasoned defense of the Christian Faith.
Since 1996, Apologia Educational Ministries has supported homeschooling families by publishing excellent, easy-to-use creation-based science curriculum. In recent history, we have expanded our efforts to include new books and curriculum through Apologia Press, online courses through Apologia Academy, networking and encouragement through Apologia World, and ministering to moms at Apologia Live conferences.
View curriculum from Apologia Science here.